Been away for awhile, busy with the special term and all... been teaching mom how to watch dramas on the internet too... found this while taking a break from the studying =P enjoy ^_^x
It is has been really rough period.. these last few days...
And being alone at home just makes it all worse.
I'm tired.
And drained.
And cold and alone.
Thanks to all who asked.
It's 3 am
But I can't get sleep.
4 more days till my parents return.
Just 4 more late nights.
Some say that Viva la vida is Coldplay's best song.
I love it too. On better days.
But personally, I feel that the instruments and beats of that song were its selling points.
To me, their best song, was in their most under-rated album, X & Y.
A song that never made it to number 1.
At 23, it might be morbid to plan for it, but at my funeral, I want this song to be played.
Not tears in heaven, not some church hymn.
Just this simple song.
Simple lyrics. No fancy rhymes. no fancy beats
At the core, it's just a keyboard, and the human voice.
Because, the best songs aren't really upbeat, or pleasant to the ears or leave you tapping on your toes.
The best songs, just strike you, deep down.
At the very thread that unites and moves humanity.
To fix: To restore. To set right. To adjust. To prepare. To concentrate. To ascertain. To capture. To secure. To harden. To make solid.
An interesting choice of word selected by the group.
A song that all 4 members of the band wrote together.
And that all 4 members sang together.
When you lose something you cannot replace.
Tears stream down my face.
Once more.