Okay, recently there has been a swarm of videos for the flash mob at Oprah's Black Eyed Peas Concert... if you have not caught it yet, yeah here is the video =x

And in case you are wondering, yes, it was rehearsed... at a smaller magnitude (supposedly just 800 people) ... but you teach your friends, and yeah, it catches on... (apparently to 20,000 people)

So, now you are wondering... dang these flash mobs... why can't we have it in Singapore... well... actually we do =3.. just on a much smaller scale..

.... Click Here to view more ofSingapore's flash mobs ^^x...

The easiest ones for us, are mainly "freeze mobs" like this carried out by Mission Singapore

And yes, there have been many "fake queues" before too =P

And in the weeks of MJ's death, there have been a number of "dance mobs" by this group all around Singapore in tribute of him.

But frankly, if only Singapore has flash mobs like this in Japan... that would really up the scales =x