Storyline: 2/3
(Expected storyline, but the flow brings out the sentimental / heartwarming feel very well.)

Effects/Music: 2/2
(Although the sweded cuts of the film looks really low-budget and all, I have to give them full points for the great creativity!! The scenes for, the ladder camouflage, rush hour 2 and men in black were just hilarious!)
Emotional/Tension: 1/2

(The build up to the final screening of the movie was emotional, but the abrupt ending left me hanging.)

Humour: 1/1
(Extremely lame at times, but really clever in the sweding of famous movies.)
Chemistry: 0.5/1
(Mos Def was really stone in the movie, but Jack Black was everywhere, and Melonie Diaz did a good job in tying things in.)
Hotness: 0.5/1
(No one really hot to ogle about, but Melonie Diaz was sufficiently hot in certain get-ups throughout the movie.)

OveraLL: 7/10

Great light-hearted movie to catch. Really had a good laugh at the sweded movies, and was impressed thoroughly at the creativity shown. Too bad only Lido seems to have it.

Do take a look at their official website too, Loads of great stuff there :) including a makeshift google :p

A little glimpse of the sweded rush hour 2! There are loads of sweded films, both by the movie and by fans on youtube ^_^x