Have not been blogging for quite some time. Spent the last few days wandering about and reflecting on the incident. Guess it is time for me to put these emotions down into words and pictures.
When something huge happens around us, we always hope to reflect upon it, trying to understand it, that is will mean something to us, and not be in vain. The sad truth is that, humans don't change overnight. A single event may affect us at that moment, at that period. but over time, it will pass.
This hopefully will be my most morbid entry into this blog. Post 245. And hopefully, it will strike me again, in the far future, when the feeling has come and gone.Alone - Liviu Terinte
"All around me are familiar faces.
Worn out places, worn out faces.
Bright and early for their daily races.
Going nowhere, going nowhere."
I guess, we are all bound to routines... one after another... timetables.. 9-5... sometimes, we just struggle to get through with the day... coffee... pills... so programmed that we can just daze our way through it.Loneliness II - eXcer
"Their tears are filling up their glasses.
No expression, no expression.
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow.
No tomorrow, no tomorrow."
And at times, we are just so oblivious to the world around us. Never questioning. Just taking for granted that it will be there in the morning. Someone else will take care of it. I have something more important to do.
It amazing how so many people turned out for the cremation. Really. How could someone feel so alone amongst so many people? Such is this cold world. All it took was just one. One person who stopped, and listened. But none of us did.People Die Alone - Raun
"And I find it kind of funny.
I find it kind of sad."
In the course of our lives, we cross each others paths numerous times. At times, we just keep on walking. Thinking there is a tomorrow, or a better time. Thinking that we have bigger problems of our own. That the happier ones are so lucky to be so problem free.
Such is the irony. Those who give warmth to others, spreading the happiness around, smiles for all... there are the ones who are neglected. Who will give them the cheer? or that hug?I Cry Alone - incredi
"The dreams in which I'm dying,
Are the best I've ever had.
I find it hard to tell you.
I find it hard to take."
The weight of the world... is too much of a burden for just one man to carry... but who cares about superman? who would believe that superman cries? That even superman needs a shoulder to lean on. That superman cries alone.Weight of the World - Gilad
"When people run in circles,
It's a very, very
Mad World."
As technology brings us closer together than ever before, is the distance between human hearts growing further? Are we chatting even more on facebook and msn than we would do in person. Is the essence of the human spirit, reduced to cold pixels. Have we become just another nickname. Are our hugs and kisses reduced to that one our screens and hps? Are our interaction reduced to that of cyberspace.
Are we just too busy to notice the changes. The signs. The needs of the person beside us. Or are we have we just grown too blind.
"Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend.
Somewhere along in the bitterness,
And I would have stayed up with you all night,
Had I known how to save a life."
It can take years for a man to find happiness. And even longer for a man to find peace within himself. Or maybe a lifetime before he understands the meaning of life.
But all it takes, is just one bad day, to break a man.
I just pray, that when that day comes for me, someone would stop and notice. That's all I ask for.
"別對我說永遠 永遠 永遠
別對我說永遠 永遠 永遠
Rest in Peace. You will be remembered.