Kinda anal when I look for clothes. Firstly, it has to be unique, and next, I got to find it interesting or amusing. That's why I take a really long time to buy new clothes. However, clothes do get worn-out and faded over the years and finally their time is done. So, to remember them when their time is over, I've decided to keep them here as images.

As Tony Parsons once wrote, in Man and Wife, "Plead the fleeting moment to remain."

First up, is my favourite shirt of all time. Love the irony and Banksy feel to it ^^x

.... Click Here to read on more about the other shirts ^^x ...

Simplistic yet deep.

Another one with a Banksy feel.

Retro symbols on happy bright red

Love the serenity.

Finally, got myself a red lumberjack shirt. Love the smooth white buttons. I should really take a photo of my brown tattered shirt before it disappears.

And my first two designer shirts. These are by Dandadan Productions. Bought them from their shop in KL Time Square. The front and back of the first shirt. Love the chibi to serious look and the use of the samurai sword.

And the 2nd is my first black shirt since poly days. Love the bright green prints and the tree is just so Warcraft Tree of life.

My pastel purple block T. Love the font, just that pastel purple is alittle zzz...

And finally, I am having thoughts of converting this image into a shirt. Love how green is used in the circulation rather than red.. a tad of lymphatic-like and alittle we-come-from-Earth feel to it.

And in case you are wondering... this is where it comes from =x