A Heart That Works.

" Because a heart that hurts...
is a heart that works... "

ah... the cynical truth.

I'm sure most of you have seen the trailer for the upcoming movie "Shutter Island"

Well, I've not seen the movie yet.. but as with most movies that I'm interested in.. normally I have a read of the novel before the big screen.. and after reading it.. I must say that I hope Leonardo Dicaprio can live up to his performance in "The Aviator."

Okay, more on the novel.. I must say, that for a short 414-paged book, it was really gripping. So much that I was compelled to complete it on my 2nd day into it.

.... Click Here to read on more about Shutter Island ^^x...

As a whole, the novel was rich in it descriptive manner, yet simple enough to be understood without too much clutter or exquisite use of language. Written in the 3rd person perspective, it manages to set apart the flashbacks and dreams cleanly, and allows you to connect with the internal confusion experienced by the main character.

I must say that I loved the mini puzzles within, and although I sorta guessed the alternative ending to the story, it was so cleverly written that I could never tell which way it was going, right down to the last 2 chapters.

On a deeper personal level, I guess the story just left me disturbed. Reminded me of a quote from the Joker:

"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day."

Just one day. Sometimes, I do question myself about it. How far will it take before I break. And this fear is disturbing as, I myself have had situations whereby I myself was left doubting what was reality... remember those recurrent dreams that I had before the Thailand trip.. how vividly drowning was.. so real that wounds from those dreams would appear in the morning.. and yet.. when the real event happened like deja vu, I was left questioning if it was all a dream, or was it real.. that's how blur the line of reality is..

As described in the book.. "the true horrible beauty of the full-blown schizophrenic's paranoid structure. If you believe, gentlemen, that you are the sole holder of the truth, then everyone else must be lying. And if everyone is lying..." ... that's the power of the mind.. and what it believe.. and it creates a really interesting paradox.. a vicious cycle even, once you are trapped within..

a) All Insane Men deny that they are Insane.
b) Bob denies that he is Insane.
c) Bob is therefore Insane.

Really takes alot to get a grip on reality after that, and pull yourself out of it. That's one of the reasons why I really take my hat off to John Nash, whose story was shown in "A Beautiful Mind"... with the most brilliant minds.. comes great imagination.. great possibilities.. and also the most convincing scripts.. what if, one day someone tells you that you have been scripting your whole life thus far... now... that's a scary thought.

As we celebrate Earth Hour today... thought it be nice to go back to basics and take a look at man's evolution thus far ^^x

Still a really groovy track~!

Bangs Ratio.

Keeping on the maths theme... Now if only someone from the clan would come up with the right ratio for the helmet cut =3

Sometimes, all it takes is alittle creativity... and a different perspective ^^x

The NUS Matric Card.

Love the concept!! Now if only we could work on a NTU version =P

Parallel Lines

Love the concept of this. Philips Cinema is releasing "Parallel Lines", which is a series short films.

5 leading directors from Ridley Scott Associates: Greg Fay, Johnny Hardstaff, Carl Erik Rinsch, Jake Scott and Hi-Sim.

5 films based on their genres range from drama, animation, action, to sci-fi and thriller

The twist? All 5 films, will be using the exact same dialogue.

Can't wait for its release on April 8th ^^x

Must say I love the tagline... so inspirational for next year's script =P

"There are millions of ways to tell a story."

Disney Sailor Moon

Taking Animation to a whole new level =3


Well, it has been a rough few weeks.. but I'm glad its over ^^x

Love this quote from Bluquote

Studying for Pharmacology now... somehow... just get a nostalgic feeling... that was my most hated subject in poly too... remember how frustrated I was with it... frankly.. nothing much has changed... I am still really frustrated with it right now too... maybe it is the lack of time... or the fact that I will never really get a subject I can't understand.. esp one where the names of the drugs don't really relate to their purpose...

*haha* guess it is in hard times like this that you become more frank with yourself... I remember saying once to myself back then... I am never going into pharmacology due to it... I guess now I am just reaffirming it...

Another thing that I reaffirmed now is that... I will want to go abroad for my studies... had actually wanted to go overseas for my university studies.. but there was some unsettled business the last time around... now.. i guess you can say... it is more or less done.

Guess I should really start looking for a lab of interest and an area of specialty in the coming 3 month break... the next step will at least be 5 years the least... 10 years at worst... sitting here now, I must say that there will be alot that I'll miss, knowing how I work.. I might not be back for quite a while.. even for visits... but yeah... I know I'll get by.

Hopefully I can finally find a place with a peaceful view... where I can spend my weekends catching up on my readings and have a nice cup of tea... in the midst of the fast-paced madness here, I do long for such simple simplicities =3... I want to carry on in a place where there isn't always a rush to get by with life... hopefully, the grass is greener on the other side.


Just reminded me of my favourite starting phrase for composition... like 8 years ago... arh.. the nostalgia.. really haven't written much since then.. sad..

Lamplights gleamed on the rain-washed street. All is quiet. The city is asleep.

Okay... back to catching up with my normal life I guess... with the laundry.. packing up the room.. and finally starting on my cores for this year...

Although there is a barrage of work and projects to cram into this week.. I really hope that I have some time for sitcoms, movies, books and maybe a nice cup of tea... sad that Shery is away in Taiwan at the moment.. a quiet catch-up at a cafe would have been nice ^^x Hope you're having fun there~!!


