Storyline: 2.5/3
(It doesn't go in depth as to how Bruce becomes batman, or how did the Joker came about, but it showed the build up to Two-Face and the thought behind the workings of the Joker, Two-Face and eventually the dark knight. A tad long, but the twists will keep you engaged.)
Effects/Music: 2/2
(I am thoroughly impressed with the sound effects in this movie. Not only those it adds weight to the action sequences, but the effective use of the music piece "Why so Serious?" by Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard.)
Emotional/Tension: 2/2
(It's a thrill ride that surpasses most horror films. The "ringing" sound really builds up the tension and complements the tormented Joker and really made me twitch in my seat. You are expecting it, but the Joker is just so twisted that it sends shivers. Right from the starting sequence, you are stuck on this ride into the twisted mind of the Joker.)
Humour: 0.5/1
(Really serious movie with few light hearted moments. But, I must say, the Joker, twisted as he may be, does serve as a comical relief at times, making him even more unpredictable.)
Chemistry: 1/1
(I personally felt the Chemistry between Rachel and Bruce or Harvey was a tad cold. Didn't really feel the connection at times. But, I am blown away by the way the Joker fits into each scene with the characters, really complements and completes the movie.)
Hotness: 1/1
(Maggie Gyllenhaal(Rachel)'s puppy eyes are a tad cute, but it stops at that. Unless you like office women in suits. The guys don't really turn on the heat, although I am giving full points for the Heath Ledger(Joker), not exactly hot, but his appearance in this movie is definitely stunning and will be remembered.)

OveraLL: 9/10

Frankly, I believe that this is the blockbuster of 2008. Period. And I believe that Heath Ledger's performance will be remembered in generations to come. Period.

And believe me, when I say that I ended up flinching and watching from between my fingers.
Why so serious? Lets put a smile on that face!