My fridge has broken down. Period.

There was a huge pool from all the ice. Period.

I took 1 hour to evacuate all the food to Joseph's fridge and partially mopped up the flood. Period.

I did this all before my presentation. Period.

I came back after that to mop up the whole room. Period.

I just realised that all I had in the fridge was a chocolate bar, an egg, a small tub of philadelphia cheese, and a bottle each of Kahlua and Baileys. Period.

Only the cheese and chocolate are at Joseph's place. Period.

That was all that I really needed to use the fridge for. Period.

After describing the event, all my roomie said was... erm... okay?

Wonder how long it will take for my roomie to actually call the repair people to fix it.

I say, quite a long period.