A lecturer introduced PhD Comics to us some time back ( yes, I only just had time to explore it =( ), and found it really interesting. The webby, takes a dig at graduated students who are doing their PhDs, but personally I felt that some of the situations already apply to us as undergrads.

So yeah, if you're here despite of the exams... destress ^_^x.

Oh the late nights....

And haven you noticed....

Want to see more? Click here to view the rest of the comics.

The hesitation...

The lectures and talks...

In the eyes of the lecturer...

Why are we even studying??

And my favourite... an ironical parody of the evolution of man.... or students in this case.... from a graduate (JC/Poly)... to the lab work that never gives you the expected results... to the reports that never quite make sense... and finally churning it all out with font 11 double spacing and bound with a plastic cover sheet. Life is like that =P