Okay, first off, did alittle revamping of the layout. Have been receiving feedback that the pages do tad get a bit long, and in an effort to minimise the length of the page, I do have to limit the contents as times.

Well, hopefully this layout will help minimise the length of the page and loading time, while maximising content ^_^x

Now, back to the article. Heard this on the radio, and I just had to check up on it.

Komsomolskaya, Russia - A 28-year-old Russian man, Artyom Sidorkin, went to doctors complaining about chest pain and coughing up blood. Doctors concluded that it was due to a cancerous tumour and that it had to be surgically removed. However, when they opened him up, they found a 5-centimeter fir tree growing inside his lung.

Medical staff believe Sidorkin had somehow inhaled a seed, which later sprouted into the small fir tree inside his lung. The tree managed to start growing within one of Sidorkin’s capillaries, causing extreme pain.

I guess the more disturbing issue is the following comment.

"We were 100 per cent sure," said surgeon Vladimir Kamashev from Izhevsk in the Urals. "We did X-rays and found what looked exactly like a tumour.

Yes... sadly surgeons can't tell the difference between fir trees and tumours =P

And for those interested... click to take a look at the fir tree upclose.
[[ Warning: Contains blood!! ]]