Just watched finish an episode of House.. Ignorance Is Bliss and honestly.. I sorta feel for the patient..

Some people say intellect is a gift, and that you should make the most out of it.. but at times, i just feel that maybe, too much of it, and being forced by it to search for excellence, can be a curse..

To me, living in a society, means interacting with people.. and true, with an above-average intellect, there might be some barriers, when it comes to topics that you share with you mates... unless of course, you surround yourself with intellectuals too.. which then becomes too bothersome as it might be too competitive..

Maybe its a Pisces thing.. I guess I'm just quite dislike competition by nature.. and in a way I guess I am thankful to have stayed on in a neighbourhood school and later in poly.. the pace is slow, and I've found intellectuals with the same sentiments as myself.

so yeah, I guess I feel for the patient.. sometimes, lowering your intellect intentionally might not be a bad thing really.. if it makes you happy, and frees you up to do the things you wanna, and rather do, then yeah, it can be a liberating act ^^x