Just watched the movie An Inconvenient Truth... and even as a science geek, there are info in it that is fresh and new to me.

anyway, in case you're wondering about the weird spiral in the movie poster... its a satellite image of a hurricane... much like the urban legend, a factory emission in the US, could cause a hurricane in the South Atlantic.

"In 2004, for the first time in recorded history, there was a hurricane in the South Atlantic."

In truth, there are steps taken worldwide to try to curb the situation... we have more solar powered machines and even electric cars/cycles... but i guess, these will take awhile... frankly, Man is not really motivated by long term goals... especially one that can only be seen in your grandchildren's generation... most people just do it at luxury, and if they have the allowance... but as a mandatory act? I guess few are as dedicated as my friend, Chong Pang... he's one of those that uses as much of natural sunlight as possible, and even unplugs sockets before sleeping... most are just motivated monetarily, to cut down on their monthly PUB expenses... but yeah... its interesting to ponder over it.

If Greenland breaks up, Singapore will probably sink like Atlantis. But that's in the future... so... do you care about it?