Sega has recently revealed that it will be testing Toylets at urinals around Tokyo... thus, harnessing the male competitive nature at a whole new level...

Typically a session in the guys toilet... is sacred and silent... involving lots of avoidance and staring into space... and definitely not like this...

well... that's where Sega intends to change things... in short, an interactive game is played at the urinal, with detection from pressure plates... and at the end of the games, a sponsor advertisement is showed... while Toylets is really another marketing tool... I can foresee an amusing situation amongst friends and strangers trying to outdo one another.. especially at the clubs/bars/pubs =P

Currently Sega is releasing 4 games..
Mannekin Pis: Measures the volume peed.

Graffiti Eraser: Erase the board by directing your stream

The North Wind and The Sun and Me: The strength of the stream is converted into the wind blowing up a girl's skirt.

Splashing Battle!: Pits the strength of your stream against the last person who used the urinal.