"How I wish I'd chosen darkness from cold.
How I wish I had screamed out loud,
Instead I've found no meaning."
How many times can you fall?
Apparently more than twice a day...
How many times can you break in a year?
More than 3 times the least...
"How I wish I could walk through the doors of my mind;
Hold memory close at hand,
Help me understand the years."
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?
In times that he cried?
Or the way that she died?
"How I wish I could choose between Heaven and Hell.
How I wish I would save my soul.
I'm so cold from fear."Exploding Dog:  Could this be Forever?
Exploding Dog:  I'm so sad.
"I guess it's time I run far, far away."Emo by =lucky-loser
"Find comfort in pain,
All pleasure's the same:
It just keeps me from trouble."
Comfort Foodies for a cold night...
"I've heard what they say,
but I'm not here for trouble."The Sad Clown by ~damngood
"It's more than just words:
it's just tears and rain."
For me...