1000th post.

Big thanks to all who have been here throughout the years and listened to my rambles =P... yes, I do know that at times the content is a tad random and all, but yeah that's who I am =3

1000th post... I guess it also hints of a tinge of maturity. Well, a resolution that I'm making as of this post onwards would be to change my blogging style. I will still contain my rambling thoughts and all. But without the smileys and all. Hopefully, this will aid me in my professional writings in the years to come!

So yes, come 36 hours, I will be taking the GRE examinations. I guess this is where reality sets in, and my cynicism steps in. It does seem to appear that even with tons of hard work and dedication, there is will always be an unbridgeable chasm that separates prodigies and true brilliance from the pack.

PS: To those who know me - I know it has never been the habit on this blog, but you know, I do enjoy it when I read the comments left by you guys/girls. So yeah, do leave some in the future, either by the post or the chatbox. Yes, I do check for them! ^^x