Ever since Facebook started giving users the option subscribe to someone, the wall feeds have been flooded with quote sharing. In all honesty, subscription was a great idea, but the resultant scene of all the reposts does get a tad annoying.

One of the most common themes seen, I guess would be on lying.

Source: PimpMySpace

Yes, an honest world may seem really idealistic and all. But realistically, as House puts it, everyone lies. Generalizing that you can never ever trust someone else again after being lied to once, is just unrealistic. Unless you are into radical honesty, it is unlikely that you too have ever been through a day without lying. Common lies like "I'm fine", "It's alright", "Give me 5 minutes", "I've read and agreed to the Terms of Services" are said so often that you probably do not even notice yourself saying them.

There is a Science to spotting liars, as publicized by "Lie to Me". But chances are that, most of us are not even consciously aware of these liars until they are found out, or until they had a destructive effect.

So yes, maybe a more accurate quote would be "I'm against destructive lies/liars". Cause, in the end, idealistic as we may all be, white lies do tend to soften the harsh truths of life. Everyday life is already hard enough without some b*tch coming up to you, in all honesty, to tell you how much you truly suck.
Source: ScienceReflections.com