As there alot of pictures from my week long trip to Taiwan, I have decided to break them up into smaller sections. First up, would be the interesting signs I came across along the trip

Upon checking in at Changi Airport, this really cracked me up. Sneaky Chubbx *shifty eyes* =3

Upon arriving in Taiwan, the locals made it clear that Indians were welcomed.

They tried to keep it simple. Ignorance is bliss.

And lest you are kneeling or crawling around, they have brightly lit signs on the floor to guide you.

Beware of the doors or oncoming traffic.

And the ambiguity. Pets - Not allowed. Pets on trolleys - Allowed.

Cute toilet names

Touch-up your make-up.

No face? 10 NTZ will do.

Kentucky Lickin' Good.

Do not park freely, or urinate little freely. Thank you.

Welcome to our Jumbo plane, your business class seat is down the aisle, Row 16.

I wonder how the air stewardesses on Far Eastern Air Transport are like.

Love the name. Wonder if they will have an airbus version anytime soon.