It so happened that today... we had a business group together with the Bioscience group in the exam hall... so while the invigilators were tallying and collecting the papers and all.. I took a look around and thought to myself... guess it is a real waste that Bioscience girls... and guys (to be fair).. don't really dress up... okay... maybe it is exams.. but on a daily basis.. most just come in t-shirts or polo-ts.. not really eye-catching...

I guess when the girls go out to work.. or get boyfriends.. gradually they will dress for the better... and I guess it got me thinking... you see...

It takes a nerdy girl.

To be a nerd teen.

To eventually become a hot doctor.

Since hot doctors are things of fantasy... I guess.. if the equation is right... it is just taking too darn long a process... crumbs... maybe the eye candys will come in another 10 years time... *grumbles*